


We pay a lot of attention to the confidentiality and privacy protection of our website’s visitors. Nevertheless, we inform that we can automatically obtain connection data from specific website’s parts in order to offer better performance while viewing our website.  Information obtained may include the type of browser, operating system and the name of internet provider . Moreover, we can receive aggregated information, not identified  individually,  on the number of visits and relative statistics. E-mails and other personal data will be collected solely and exclusively if allowed by visitor, and in that case personal date will be used only for the reason indicated. This policy will not be applied to other companies, persons which are not our employees, representatives or others who are not under our control. 

1. data backup 

Our registration procedure requests only valid e-mail address, user’s  ID and password. Additional information is up to your decision. Please, take note of your username, e-mail address or other information sent by you to this website. It may contain information with your real name and other information which may lead to your identification, and consequently may appear on our website. As many other websites, we can receive information generated automatically through our records system on your IP address and cookies. 

Data use

We may use your data to adjust and improve your customer experience on this website. Your personal data will be treated without diffusing it to third parts ( we receive your consent on data sharing while choosing OPT – in or OPT – out, a service which is provided by us or by third parties like for example,  your internet provider. In case you use links placed on our website which permits you viewing of other sites, we recommend you to read their privacy policy.  

3. Cookies

As many websites, we use cookies to improve our services. Advertisement may appear on our website, so in that case may be requested to set up access cookie of your PC which will be subject to Privacy Policy of the website which makes advertisement. Anyway, advertisement companies have no access to our cookies. These companies usually use not identified or anonymous codes to obtain information on visits on our website. 

4. Children

We do not allow persons under 14 year old age or younger to become a member of our website. For further information, please contact our webmaster.

5. Modification o cancellation  of your account

In accordance  with Decree – Law N° 196 of 30/06/03, personal data protection code (chapter 7), in each moment we may modify or cancel data in our archive. To cancel your data from our archive, please contact our webmaster. For further information, please read carefully conditions of use.   

6. Modification of privacy rules 

It may be necessary to update or modify this rules. We will notify substantial changes through announcement on our website and by sending communication to e-mail address in our users database. 

7. No guarantee

The privacy rules confirm our standard for data treatment and we will try to do our best, nevertheless, we cannot guaranty always the same standard. Due to factors beyond  our  control,  some personal data breach may occur. As a consequency, we cannot guaranty the full security or non breaching of data registered by us.


8. Contacts

For any question relative to privacy policy or our website, please feel free to contact our  webmaster.




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