

Conditions for use of Bertorotta and Store


1.    Accepting of conditions for use and amendments 

Any time you access to our website you have to accept following conditions for use, which may change from time to time without warning. Moreover, if you use certain services provided by this site or through this site, you will be subject to the rules relative to conditions for use. Please, see our privacy rules, which you can find inside of conditions for use.


2. Our service. Our website and services offered through it respect copyright rules. The owner of this website has full right of its use, and may modify or interrupt services provided by this website without any responsibility, as well as cancel any information it contains, temporary or definitely. We have no responsibility on cancellation, inaccuracies, data entry errors or information misuse inside of our website. 

 Responsability  and duties of a new user.  By registering to our website you declare to agree: with our conditions, to provide correct information about you, when requested; to declare to be at least 18 years old age and to have legal capacity to subscribe a valid agreement. Once registered, you declare to agree with our conditions for use which may be modified in each moment and without warning and which can be find on this pages. 

4. Privacy.

Data and personal information registered by us at the moment of registration are subject to privacy rules. 


5. Registration and password

Keep your username and password in a safe place. A misuse of your registration it’s your responsibility, whether it was authorized by you or not. In  case of loss or steal of your password or username, please contact us immediately. 

6. Behaviour.

Please, be aware of the fact that the content of this website including dates, texts, software, music, sounds, photos, video, graphics or other material contained in any form and not limited to advertisement or business purpose only, presented to you through this website by us or by our advertisement services, is protected through copyright rules, registered marks,  market secret, by licenses, database rights, moral rights, advertisement rules, privacy rules and through other property rights and laws, all belonging to our company or to third parties collaborating with us. The name our our company or/and registered marks and logo used and showed on this website cannot be used, nor advertised without our authorization. Therefore, who though knowing all this information enter to our website, cannot claim any eventual damage in accordance with chapter 1229 of Civil Code, Marchi’s Law and other laws in force. You accept that while using of this website and its services your behavior will not be illegal, threatening, injurious, abusive, oppressive, offensive, violating the liberty, vulgar, obscene, pornographic and will not interfere or interrupt this site or any provide service by using virus or other destructive procedure, provoking civil or penal responsibility; will not break local, national or international law; will not represent or distort our company to other persons or companies; will not collect any data about other users; will not interfere with other users activities nor with services provided or by doing surveys, or by junk mail, spam or other unrequested way of mailing, advertising without our previous written authorization; giving information which may lead to civil or penal action, which may be considered as a break of local, national and international law or may including copyrights, trademarks, licenses or market secret. 

Presentation of website content.

By providing information to our website, a)you agree to grant us partially or totally with royalty free perpetua, non exclusivity and authorization of (any right including moral or other rights if necessary), to use, to visualize, to reproduce, to modify, to adapt, to post, to distribute, to promote, to register, to translate and create products. This authorization will apply to all the form, means, development; b) you guarantee and certificate that have legal, moral and other rights which may be necessary and assign them with authorization which lays out in this section 7: c) you will acknowledge our right, in our discretion only, to refuse to post or to remove access completely, in any moment, for any reason, with or without notification.    

8. Third-Party Services.

Our company has no direct or indirect responsibility as for the sites which may be connected through the links posted on our website (provided simply as service to web users); for eventual damages caused in relation to the content of these sites or in relation to purchase of products or services through these sites; our company declines at the same time any responsibility regarding of content and legality of materials posted on these websites and indicated through our links, and has no responsibility for eventual copyright infringements deriving from linked websites. The fact that our company posts these links doesn’t necessary mean that we approve these sites, we decline any responsibility as for its quality, content or graphic.


9. Indemnity

You acknowladge, that affiliates, subsidiaries, associated companies, representatives, employees, persons in charge will not be liable to you or towards third party for any eventual damages of any nature deriving directly or indirectly from the loss of information, profits, independently of fact he/she  was informed; deriving or connected with performance of the website; or because wasn’t able to offer services ordered from or to its affiliates, including damages deriving from errors, omissions, virus, delay, or interruption of service. Our company is not liable for any damages or consequences deriving from misuse or unauthorized use of the website or its content.     

10. Guaranty.

The user will acknowledge that we has no control over information, products and services offered by third parties through the website. Unless otherwise agreed in written, the company and its associates has no liability, no guarantee or insurance will be given in regard of accuracy, actuality, completeness, reliability or utility of any advice, opinion, declaration or whatever else connected to content, products or services distributed or available from third parties through our website, including contents relative to sponsors. The company will not give any guarantee on compliance of the website and its contents with requirements of its users, or to its eventual interruption, promptness, security and free of errors; to the fact that eventual defects will be eliminated. The company will not give guaranty on the results obtained through our website. Under certain jurisdiction it’s not possible to limit a liability, so certain limitations will not be applied to your case.            

11. Limitiation of liability

The material contained in our website is provided as it is with no explicit or implicit  guaranty. In broadest terms of law we decline any explicit or implicit liability for continuity of services, presence of errors, correction of errors, liability of server hosting our website for virus or other harmful or injurious information components. Our company has no liability for the use of contained information, for its correctness or reliability. Our company has no liability, even in case of negligence,  for the direct or indirect damages deriving from its use, or for incompetence in its use, nor for materials present on our website.

12. Intellectual Property Rights.

We reserve all rights, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, licenses, commercial secrets and any other reserved property which we may derive from our website in regard of products and services provided. Use of rights and property requires our written authorization a priori. We do not provide implicitly and we do not express any authorization or right to make available services, so you have no right of commercial use of our website or services without our written authorization asked in advance.    

13. Notification of copyright violation

If your intellectual property has been used and you consider it as a violation of your copyright, your agent may contact us at following address: Via Acquicella Porto, 23 – 95121 Catania.  

Applicable Law 

You agree with this Condition of use and each dispute relative to use of this website or its services and products will be regulated under the valid local law in the seat of website’s owner.

15. Various information

Assuming that one of articles or paragraphs of the general Conditions of services is considered illicit by the law or other valid regulation, now or in the future, or by the act of juridical authority, this article or paragraph will be considered not valid, while all other rules of present general conditions of services will be binding for the parties. To accept this general conditions of services, the USER declares under art. 1341, comma 2 of Civil Code, that he has read with attention and agree with the content of articles relative to: Art. 1c – right to withdraw from the contract, art. 4A – limitation of liability, Art. 3A – limitation of contractual freedom to third parties, art. 8 – Applicable Law and competent court. These conditions and Service are subject to the application of Decree of Law N° 185 of 22 may 1999. The user admit explicitly the use of e-mail as the way of communication. The user accept that under art. 4 of aforementioned Decree of Law, the confirmation on the information contained in this Conditions has been done in written way by e-mail, and he/she is obliged to make its download, to print it and save it. 







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